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Table of content
Motiff AI
Layers and tools
Layer properties
Design systems
Dev Mode
Import and export
File settings
File management
Team management
Sharing and permissions
Work with support
Help Center
Motiff AI
AI Toolbox
AI Reduplication
AI Layout
AI Design Systems
AI Design System Creator
AI Design System Maintainer
AI Consistency Checker
AI replaces components
Left sidebar
Right sidebar
Page list
Layers and tools
Create layers
Frames and groups
Pen tool and vector networks
Shape tool
Text tool
Boolean Operations
Arc tool
Apply layers
Select layer
Adjust alignment, rotation, and position
Scale tool
Measure distances between layers
Lock and unlock layer
Hide or show layer
Rename layer
Copy and paste layer
Find and replace in Motiff
Layout tools
Rulers and guides
Smart selection
Auto layout
About layout grid
Layout grids and constraints
Layer properties
Color properties
Colors in Motiff
Color models in Motiff
Add fills
Color picker
Blend modes
View colors in a mixed selection
Text properties
Guide to editing text
Add fonts in Motiff
Introduce text properties
Add links to text
Create bulleted and numbered lists
Variable fonts
Other properties
Stroke properties
Apply shadow and blur effects
Corner radius and smoothing
Design systems
Create components
Edit main components
Create instances
Detach instances
Swap components and instances
Edit instances
Create and use variants
Name and organize components
Component properties
Edit instances with component properties
Organize and manage variables
Apply variables
Guide to libraries
Publish libraries
Unpublish a library
Add descriptions to libraries
View and accept library updates
Enable libraries in a file
Setup default library for drafts
Setup default library for a team
Guide to prototyping in Motiff
Present your prototypes
Dev Mode
Guide to Dev Mode
Select layers in Dev Mode
Use code snippets in Dev Mode
Comment tool
Guide to comments
Add comments to files
Manage notifications for comments
View and manage comments
Move and edit comments
Online collaboration
Multiplayer collaboration
Deliver design files to the developer
Import and export
Import files from Figma
Import files from Sketch
Copy assets between design tools
Export files
Export to Sketch file
Slice tool
File settings
Preference settings
Manage color profiles in Motiff
Set file thumbnails
Sign up or log in
Update your name or avatar
Reset your password
Delete your Motiff account
Notification updates
File management
Guide to files and projects
Create new files
Create new projects
Rename files or projects
Create a file copy
Delete and restore files
Leave a file
Delete a project
Version history
Move a project
Move a file
Star files
Pin projects to your sidebar
Team management
Create a new team
Change a team name or icon
Invite team members
Manage team members
Handover team asset
Change the ownership of a team
Leave a team
Delete and restore a team
Sharing and permissions
Guides to sharing and permissions
Share projects
Share files
Transfer ownership of files or projects
Starter plan permissions
Professional plan permissions
Organization plan permissions
Fair Billing Policy
Motiff plans and features
Upgrade to a paid plan
Add, manage, or renew subscriptions
Cancel Professional plan subscription
Manage seats in Motiff
Approve or decline seat upgrade requests
Manage seat upgrades
Request paid seat upgrades
Payment and currency
Get started with the Organization plan
Guide to manage a Motiff organization
Add organization admins
Manage organization domains
Members and guests of an organization
View and join organization teams
View and export activity logs
Manage drafts of deleted members
Privacy and security in organizations
Guide to SAML SSO
Upload shared fonts to an organization
Setup default libraries for an organization
Motiff desktop app
Open file links in the desktop app
Motiff mobile app
Work with support
Common questions
What browsers do Motiff support?
How do I configure my browser for Motiff?
Can I use Motiff offline?
How many people can edit the file at the same time?
Unable to open the file
Troubleshooting checklist
Image loading and performance
Fix font issues
Reduce memory usage in files
Uninstall Motiff Font Agent
Optimize graphics performance on MacOS devices
Technical support
Ask Motiff for help
Use Developer Tools
Record a performance profile
View graphic card specifications
Submit a bug report