Help Center/Import and export/Import files from Sketch

Import files from Sketch

You can import files from Sketch (.sketch) into Motiff.

During the import, Motiff will try to maximize the fidelity of the design. It aims to restore the layer structure, types, and properties consistent with the original file and retain the page structure and controls from the original Sketch file. However, due to the discrepancies in some layer types, properties, and relationships between two tools, the imported Sketch file may not exactly match the original and may not achieve 100% fidelity.

Supported Sketch Features

When importing the file, Motiff can support most features of Sketch, but some of these features may require automatic conversion or manual operation before they can continue to be used in Motiff.


When you import a Sketch file into Motiff, the controls included in the Sketch file will be automatically converted into components in Motiff.

  • Controls that are cross-file referenced in Sketch will be restored as main components and placed on a new page.


In Motiff, styles correspond to a style for each category of properties, while in Sketch, styles correspond to a style for all properties on a layer.

Therefore, styles from Sketch files will not be imported, and you will need to recreate the styles in Motiff. Learn more about Styles.


In Sketch, system local fonts or embeddable fonts are commonly used. To ensure that fonts display correctly after import, you need to provide these fonts in Motiff.

  • If you use the Motiff desktop client, you can access local fonts by default.
  • If you use Motiff in a browser, you will need to download and install the Motiff Font Agent.

Import files

  1. 1.

    Open Recents, Drafts, or any project on the workspace.

  2. 2.

    Click Import file. 'Import file.png'

  3. 3.

    In the file import popup, you can add files to import in the following ways:

    • Click the dashed box area to bring up the local file selection window and choose the file to import.
    • Drag and drop files directly into the dashed box area. 'Click or drag.png'
  4. 4.

    Click Import to start importing files. 'Import.png'

  5. 5.

    After the import is complete, click the Done to return to the file browsing page and view all successfully imported files. 'Done.png'