Help Center/Design systems/Libraries/View and accept library updates

View and accept library updates

When someone publishes an update to a Main component or Style in a library, Motiff will make the updates available in every file where the components or styles are used.

Anyone with Can edit permissions can view and accept updates.

View available updates

When updates are available for a style or component, a notification will appear in the bottom right corner of your file. Click Review to open the component library panel to see the updatable style components, and then choose to accept or ignore the updates. 'View available updates.png'

Tip: You can click Dismiss and continue to use the current version of the component or style. If you dismiss the notification, Motiff will notify you again the next time you open the file.

Check for all available updates in the file at any time

  1. 1.Click the Assets panel in the left sidebar.
  2. 2.Click '16_Panel_ComponentLibrary.svg' to open the library modal.
  3. 3.Click Update.

'View available updates 2.png'

View and accept updates

In the component update list, you can view all updates for the used components. You can update a single component or update all at once. 'View and accept updates.png'