Uploading shared fonts in the organization allows all members or specific teams to use them without installing the fonts individually.
Motiff supports uploading fonts in .TTF and .OTF formats but does not support .WOFF format.
When uploading fonts, you need to ensure that the admin is the legal rights holder of the font or has obtained authorization for commercial and non-commercial use. For more information, you can refer to section VI of Motiff Terms of Service.
Fonts uploaded in the organization are available to all members within the organization. Any member can access and use these fonts.
Organization admins can upload shared fonts in the following steps:
After uploading shared fonts, they will appear in the font selector when opening any file within the organization.
If the uploaded font already exists, Motiff will ask whether you want to replace the existing font with the new font in a popup. You can click Cancel to keep the original font or click Replace to update the font.
Team owners and admins can upload shared fonts in a specific team by following these steps:
After uploading shared fonts in the team, they will appear in the font selector when opening any file within the team.