Blend modes allow you to define how you want two layers to blend together. This involves taking pixels from each layer and recalculating them.
By setting the blend mode, you can adjust various properties of the picture such as the background color, and create overlays and textures.
In Motiff, you can adjust the blend mode of an entire layer or a fill. It is important to note that a layer or fill only supports one blend mode.
Blend modes
Motiff supports the following 17 blend modes:
- Pass through
- Normal
- Darken
- Multiply
- Color burn
- Lighten
- Screen
- Color dodge
- Overlay
- Soft light
- Hard light
- Difference
- Exclusion
- Hue
- Saturation
- Color
- Luminosity
Blend mode in a fill
- 1.Click Fill modal in the design panel to open the color picker.
- 2.Click
in the upper right corner of the color picker to select a blend mode.

- 3.Select the blend mode you want to use. Only one blend mode is supported per fill.
- 4.Click
button or an empty area on the canvas to close the popup.
Blend mode in a layer
Apply the blend mode to the entire layer in the Layer section of the design panel.
- 1.Select the layer you want to set the blend mode for.
- 2.In the Layer section of the design panel, click the blend mode dropdown. This will be set to Pass through by default.

- 3.Select the blend mode you want to apply. You can then set a separate blend mode for each layer.