A layer's fill can be a solid color, linear gradient, radial gradient, angle gradient, diamond gradient, or image. You can apply fill to text, frame, or any vector layer, including shapes, vector networks, and boolean groups.
After selecting a layer, you can add, adjust, hide, or remove fill in the Fill modal of the design panel.
After selecting a layer, you can click on the right side of the Fill modal in the design panel to add a fill layer to the selected layer.
Motiff supports adding multiple fills to a single layer. This allows you to overlay gradients on images or apply blend modes to create unique visual effects.
We consider each fill as a unique layer. You can adjust the type, properties, and visibility of each fill layer independently.
Click on the right side of the Fill modal, open the style picker, click on the style you want to use, and apply it to the fill.
You can adjust whether each fill layer is shown or hidden separately.
You can delete fill in the following ways:
Drag up and down from the front part of each fill layer to adjust the order of the fills of that layer.
After selecting a fill layer, you can use the shortcut keys ⌘ Command + C, ⌘ Command + V / Ctrl + C, Ctrl + V to copy and paste that fill layer.
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