Color can be solid, gradient, or an image. In Motiff, you can use the color picker to select colors and apply them to Fill and Stroke.
Motiff supports applying colors to the fill or stroke properties of the following layer types:
- Text layers
- Basic shapes
- Vector networks
- Boolean groups
- Frames

You can apply three different types of colors:
- Solid
- Gradient
- Linear gradient: A progressive transition between two or more colors along a straight line. You can choose the angle of the line by yourself.
- Radial gradient: A circular gradient that transitions from one color at the center to another color at the edges. You can choose the angle of the radius and the size of the diameter.
- Angular gradient: Creates a gradient clockwise from the starting point. To create a softer or rougher angle, you can adjust the position of the two colors in the gradient.
- Diamond gradient: A gradient with four points starting from the center of the layer. You can adjust the weights and heights of the gradients individually.
- Image: A static picture. Learn more about Image.