Help Center/Work with support/Technical support/View graphic card specifications

View graphic card specifications

Using the built-in tools in Chrome, you can view and export a detailed report of your Graphics Processing Unit (GPU). This report presents the version you are currently running, color space, status, and specific enabled features, among other information.

Providing this report when encountering issues helps the Motiff technical support team understand the GPU information and condition of your device.

View graphics card specifications

  1. 1.Open the Chrome browser.
  2. 2.Type chrome://gpu/ into the address bar.

'view graphics card specifications.png'

  1. 3.A detailed report of the GPU specifications will display.

'view graphics 2.png'

  1. 4.Right-click on the screen and select Save as… .

'View graphics 3.png'

  1. 5.Before clicking Save, please ensure the format is set to Webpage, Complete.

'View graphics 4.png'

  1. 6.Provide the above error file and information to the Motiff team.

Note: If you need to submit an error report. Learn more about Submit a bug report.